3 Pillars of a Highly Refined and Disciplined Trading Strategy

“Discipline” can mean many different things. It comes from the latin word disciplina, which means “teaching, learning”. However, its meaning has evolved over time to its current definition of self-control and adherence to rules or order. An example of this would be obeying traffic laws while driving on a highway. These rules are set by …

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What is Volatility in Forex? Is it Good or Bad?

This is the second part of our forex trade risks and pitfalls tutorials. You can read the first part of this series here. If you would like to continue receiving tips on how to trade forex in Kenya, consider joining our newsletter. Understanding Volatility and How it Poses a Risk to Your Account Just like …

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#Francogeddon: Oanda Stands With Customers in the Wake of the SNB Shock

Various forex brokers reacted differently to the Swiss National Bank’s announcement that it had removed a 3 -year old cap against the Euro. The announcement, which sent the markets into a fray and was dupped #Francogeddon on the social media, caused incredible volatility and extreme ‘illiquidity’ in the markets. Some brokers, such as the UK …

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